> Research > Vision & Mission

Vision & Mission


Our research focuses on Basic Theories and Algorithms Key Technology and Application, in particular the following areas:

  • 01Fundamental Theories and Core Algorithms of AI

    Through the national expenditure in researches of AI has been increased significantly, the country is still facing an insufficiency of originality and key technologies.

  • 02Intelligent Interconnection and Big Data Technologies

    The intellectualized Internet and Big Data are the two crucial ingredients that support research and development, and the application of contemporary AI technology. Consequently, the importance of enhancing the acquisition, management, and analysis of big data is apparent.

  • 03AI Platforms and computing infrastructures

    In order to achieve the greater application of AI technologies, implementing AI researches require an effective system that maintains both heterogeneous basic resources and heterogeneous multi-tasks, as well as other platforms and basic infrastructures.

  • 04AI application and key technologies

    The AI industry and digital economy depend upon the development of AI-essential technologies as well as a series of successful industrialized applications. These developments also encourage the establishment of cutting-edge enterprises as well as the upgrading of related industries.

The lab focuses on the following 6 research areas: Smart City, Intelligent Manufacturing, Smart Healthcare System, Smart medical services, AI-embedded Chips, and Intelligent Finance. We aim at establishing an advanced AI technology platform to promote the transformation and upgrading of the abovementioned industries, inspire other business segments, and provide technical support for the development of the digital economy in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.

Objectives and Innovation Goals

Based on abovementioned content regarding AI theories, technical application, and industrial demonstrated cases, the lab will conclude the following objectives and innovation goals:(1)Expend researches and studies in Fundamental Theories and Core Algorithms of AI, and further enhance the country’s Technical Originality (2)Significantly improve the standard of the national science and technology power, and provide opportunities to AI scientists and researchers. (3)Support the technology and digital development and particularly the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area.